Saturday, August 20, 2005


My neighbour Jacques can fly with the Versatile.
NASA does not have to look further to replace the shuttle...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Test Cabbike, WAW and Versatile.

The three velomobiles before the test. Christophe, in the white t-shirt behind the WAW, wants to buy a velomobile for his commute from Hamme to Brasschaat. He eliminated the Quest because it is too unstable and there’s a waiting list of almost two years. The WAW is more stable and faster (winner of a race at Cycle Vision). He’s been test-riding it for a week.
Now he’d also like to take a ride in a Versatile (at the moment the only one in Belgium) and a Cabbike.

Christophe crawls into the Cabbike, with its sticker for the Hamme Youth Night (an event for which the owner is an organizer) on it. Wouter gives him instructions...don’t activate the ejector-seat button...
In 5 minutes (very easily!) I was able to un-mount the front and rear sections of the WAW and to put them in Christophe’s car. With the rear seat of the car folded down, the WAW fits right in. To close the backdoor, we did have to let the air out of the rear tire.

There’s still no roof on the WAW. Dries Callebaut (manufacturer) didn’t have it ready yet. Wouter sits completely dry now in his Cabbike, which he has lined on the inner surface with insulation material.
The WAW was somewhat too small for me, and I had to be satisfied with a very short ride. My knees came up against the fairing, and riding was out of the question. For Christophe the fit was perfect. The WAW is more stable in the curves than the Versatile. You sit lower in the WAW, so you’re not as visible to others. It weighs 10 kg (22 pounds) less than the Versatile and is also a somewhat rougher (fragile) construction. For Christophe, who will be commuting 50 km each way, the weight is imprortant.

The neighbours examine the interior of the Versatile. One of them tried a little ride. The more-complete finish details of the Versatile also increase the weight in comparison with the WAW. In the background is the little red car in which the WAW was transported.